Consumer Notice
For Consumer Assistance, please contact the following:
Agency for Health Care Administration
2727 Mahan Drive, Building 1
Mail Stop # 27
Tallahassee, Florida 32308
(800) 226-1062 or (888) 419-3456
The Statewide Provider and Subscriber
Assistance Program
2727 Mahan Drive, Building 1
Mail Stop # 27
Tallahassee, Florida 32308
(800) 921-5458
The Department of Insurance
200 East Gaines Street
Larson Building
Tallahassee, Florida 32399
(800) 342-2762
Insurance Plans
We accept most insurance plans including but not limited to the following (Hablamos Español!)
- Aetna
- Beech Street
- Cigna
- First Health
- Florida Health Care Plans
- Florida Hospital Care Advantage
- Health First Health Plans
- Medicare
- National Heritage
- Pacific Care
- Secure Horizon
- United HealthCare
- Go Blue
- Sunshine Health Medicare Advantage
- Volusia Health Network
- TriCare